Hello everyone,
on my today's post, I have another recipe for rice. As rice also in my country is the main dishes for a prepare meal everyday, and I think in some country too. And nowadays, there are in some European or maybe world wide, love this tipical rice recipe. But this recipe that I prepared is an Indian Chicken Biryani Rice Recipe. It has a bit similarity with my Indonesian "Nasi Goreng" or Indonesian fried rice. If you may ever travel to visit Indonesia, I'm sure you know what I means. For sure, I'll share it soon my Indonesian nasi goreng recipe on my blog. So, please stay tune. But here at first Indian chicken biryani rice recipe. Here we go;
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 1 sachet seasoning paste for Indian Biryani Rice indicative
- 250g fillet, chicken meat into bite-size pieces
- 2 tablespoons melted butter or yogurt or 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 220 g uncooked rice or Basmati Rice
- 220 ml of water
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder(Optional)
- 85 g raisins and nuts or mint leaves
- 3 bars of large chili
1. Marinated chicken meat with the yogurt. Prepare the butter, yogurt or vegetable oil in the pan and turn on the flame for middle hot. Pour the chicken meat on the pan with the hot oil/butter, and let them fry about 1 minute long. Let separate them to the side.
2. Prepare the basmati rice with the water and turmeric powder in the pot. Let mix them from time to time and cook them.
3. Pour the chicken meat and following by the seasoning paste on the rice pot together. Stir and mixing together and let cook about 15 minute and don't forget to close it with the pot top. Will make the aroma and cooking process faster and more aromatic. For the next process, let cook continue about 10 minute and stir them and pour the raisin and nuts into the pot. Stir it together and prepare a big bowl for serving the rice.
4. For topping, cut into thin slice the chili, similar like on the picture.
5. Spring onion cut into thin slice and both of them ready for topping on the rice.

- 1 Päckchen Würzpaste für indisches Biryani Reigericht
- 250 g Hühnerfleishfillet, in mundgerechte Stücke geschitten
- 3 EL Joghurt
- 2 EL geschmolzene Butter oder pflanzliche Öl
- 220 g ungekochter Reis oder Basmatireis
- 220 ml Wasser
- 1/4 TL Kurkumapulver(nach Belieben)
- 85 g Rosinen und Nüsse oder Minzblätter
- 3 Stucke Grösse Chili
- Lauchzwiebeln
- Mariniert Ihr das Fleisch etwa 10 Minuten in dem Joghurt. Erhitz Ihr die Butter oder das Öl in einer Pfanne, bei milteller Hitze. Gibt Ihr das marinierte Fleish hinzu und braten Ihr etwa 1 Minute an. Stellt Ihr es dann zur Seite.
- Gibt Ihr den Reis, das Wasser, das Kurkumapulver und die Würzpaste in einen Topf. Gut verrühren und das Ganze zum kochen bringen.
- Gibt Ihr die Fleishmischung hinzu und lasst Ihr es zugedeckt 15 Minuten bei schwarzer Hitze kochen. Anschlissend 10 Minuten ruhen lassen und rein lassen die Rosinen und die Nüsse. Gut umrühren, garnieren und heiß servieren.
- Zum Topping, klein und in scheiben schneiden die Chili wie im Bilder
- Lauchzwiebeln, klein und in scheiben schneiden, lasst die Chili und das Lauchzwiebeln zum Topping auf das Reisgericht.
Thanks so much again for reading my blog and for your kind comment. Wish you all have a fantastic a new week ahead.
Vielen Dank für Eure besuch auf meinem Blog und für die schöne Kommentare. Ich wünsche Euch allen eine schöne Woche voraus.
With Love xo,
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